Upcoming Events

Current Sermon Series

Have you ever been told that you have your father’s eyes? As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we begin to see people as God sees them, to “have our father’s eyes.” Join us as we explore how God sees us and how we can view others with the grace-filled eyes of God.

Your Father’s Eyes

Wednesday in the Word

Join us in the fellowship hall on Wednesdays for Bible study from 1:00pm-2:00pm!

On the first Wednesday of every month at noon, you are invited to lunch with your pastor. Join Pastor Lenny, FCC staff, and other friends for some informal discussion. Bring your questions about the church, the bible, or any other topic of interest to you- including pop culture, sports, or politics. Or just come and hang out with your friends at FCC. Drinks and dessert will be provided but bring your own lunch.

Lunch with Lenny

On the second and fourth Thursdays of every month, meet in the fellowship hall to play board and card games with friends!

Game Day

On Sunday, January 19, immediately following the worship service, we will gather in teams for an hour to dream and plan for ways to enhance care, connection, discipleship, mission, prayer and worship at FCC. Please plan on participating on one of these teams. A meal will be provided for those who participate


Team-Based Ministry Meeting